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5/17/17 White to play. Checkmate in 2 moves.




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Crazy Games

1.  2.  3.  4.  5.  6.  7.  8.  9. Some of my games.

5/19/17 White to play. Mate in 2 or 3 moves.

White to play. Checkmate in 2 or 3 moves. Some are only 3 moves.

     Most of the puzzles on here are for mid level to strong level players. These puzzles are generated by a computer engine. Even though, we see everything in front of us we can't see the winning moves or the purpose behind a move.  This will help us understand the various positions we face in our games. Practicing puzzles and tactics is necessary for all chess players as it will keep you better prepared in a complex position.  1 2.  3 4. 5